
Privacy Policy


Florin, Trading / As DACO Renovations is the owner of this website, and responsible for the personal data provided by users through this website. (And will be referred to within the following as just DACO Renovations).

The user is informed and expressly consents to the processing of the data provided during navigation on the website, those generated as a result of the use thereof and those communicated to DACO Renovations in the corresponding web form, and those that are obtain by recording telephone conversations or other means, on the occasion of the development of the contract or of the consultation, request or contracting of any service or product, even once the pre-contractual or contractual relationship has been completed, including, where appropriate, communications or transfers international data that could be made, all for the purposes indicated in the paragraph For what purpose we treat your personal data? DACO Renovations may consult your data in files on compliance and breach of monetary obligations. In the event that the information provided refers to third-party natural persons other than the user, the latter guarantees that they have obtained the prior consent of the same for the communication of their data and have informed them, prior to providing them, of the purposes of the treatment, communications and other terms provided in the section Information on Data Protection.

The user declares that he is over 16 years old. Similarly, in the event that the data you provide during the navigation of the website, whether they are minors, as the parent or guardian of the minor, expressly authorizes the processing of said data, including, if applicable, the relative to health, for the management of the detailed purposes in the information on data protection.

The user guarantees the accuracy and veracity of the personal data provided, undertaking to keep them duly updated and to inform DACO Renovations of any variation that may occur in them.

The use of this website is subject to the Privacy Policy and Treatment of Personal Data, the Conditions of Use and the Cookies policy that are detailed below. We beg you to read them carefully. The fact of accessing

©DACO Renovations 2019


this website and using the materials contained in it implies that you have previously read and accepted, without reservation, such policies and conditions.

INFORMATION ABOUT DATA PROTECTION: Who is responsible for the processing of your personal data? The information and / or personal data that you provide us, including in your case, the health ones, are included in a file whose responsible is:

  • Identity : DACO Renovations
  • Mailing address : Altos Del Limonar, Calle Mar Garcia Torregrosa, 5R, 03184
  • Contact of the Delegate of Data Protection: [email protected]

What data do we keep? DACO Renovations obtains information about its users. The data that are conserved are: 1. The domain name of the provider (ISP) that gives them access to the

network. For example, a user of provider XXX will be identified with the domain xxx.es. 2. The date and time of access to our website. 3. The internet address from which the link that leads to our website. 4. The data that you provide us in the data collection form. 5. Number of daily visitors of each section

For what purpose do we treat your personal data? DACO Renovations will treat all the data provided voluntarily during the navigation on the website, including health, as well as all those obtained or generated as a result of browsing the Internet web pages or other means, for the following purposes:

  • Offer the user a more personalized navigation.
  • Preparation of statistics on the countries and servers that visit the web more often.
  • Knowledge of the hours of greatest influx of visits on the web as well as make precise adjustments to avoid access problems.
  • Knowledge of the effectiveness of the different buttons and links that point to our server, in order to enhance those that offer better results.
  • The maintenance of a record of the user’s activity via the web.
  • The prevention and investigation of fraud.
  • The maintenance and integral and centralized management of its relationship with DACO Renovations.

©DACO Renovations 2019


  • The management of the insurance activity and / or the fulfillment of the contract or pre-contract as well as the legal obligations.
  • The assessment and delimitation of risk, the prevention and investigation of fraud in the selection of risk and in the management of claims, even if the insurance contract is not formalized or, as the case may be, once it has been extinguished.
  • The realization of studies and statistical calculations, surveys, analysis of market trends and quality control.
  • The processing, follow-up and updating of any request for information, negotiation, pre-contractual or contractual relationship, of any of the different entities of DACO Renovations and the management of the activity with insurance intermediaries. All the data collected, as well as the treatments and purposes indicated above, are necessary or related to the adequate service and management of the website and, where appropriate, the maintenance, development and control of the relationship with DACO Renovations. Only insofar as it has not been expressly opposed, it falls within the accepted purposes to send information and publicity, including electronically, about offers, products, recommendations, services, promotional articles and loyalty campaigns of DACO Renovations and the different entities of DACO Renovations (https://dacorenovations.com/) or of those third parties with which any company of DACO Renovations has signed collaboration agreements; the extraction, storage of data, marketing studies in order to adapt our commercial offers to your particular profile, whether or not any transaction is formalized or, as the case may be, once the existing contractual relationship has been terminated.

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This site is being measured with Google Analytics as web analytics platforms, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram to measure the performance of advertising campaigns. All these solutions use brands in the pages and anonymous cookies in order to analyze the information received (for example, number of visits, duration of the visit, behavior on the page …) and based on them improve the user experience and improve the digital processes of both operation and communication. You can find more information about the privacy policy of Google Analytics at http://www.google.com/intl/es_ALL/privacypolicy.html , from Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/customaudiences/app/tos/?ref=u2u

How long will we keep your personal information? The personal data provided will be kept for the term determined based on the following criteria: (i) legal obligation of conservation; and, (ii) request for suppression by the interested party in the cases in which it comes.

What is the legitimacy for the processing of your data? The legal basis for the treatment of your data with the purposes included in the section “For what purpose do we treat your personal data?” Is the consent of the interested party.

To which recipients will your data be communicated? DACO Renovations may communicate your data, including health and claims related to the policies, exclusively for the purposes indicated in the section “For what purpose we treat your personal data?”, To other insurers, reinsurers, insurance mediation , financial, real estate, security or service provision related to its field of activity, belonging to DACO Renovations https://dacorenovations.com/, subsidiaries and affiliates, DACO Renovations, public administrations and other individuals or legal entities that, likewise, develop any of the aforementioned activities and with which the different entities of DACO Renovations conclude collaboration agreements, whether or not the transaction is formalized some, as the case may be, once the existing contractual relationship has been extinguished and without the need for it to be communicated every first communication made to the said recipients. Likewise, any entity belonging to DACO Renovations https://dacorenovations.com/, subsidiaries and affiliates,

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may communicate personal data to any of the aforementioned entities, in order to maintain a comprehensive and centralized management of the relationship of the interested parties with the different entities of DACO Renovations, and that interested parties can benefit from the possibility of accessing your data from any of them. The data, including health data, may also be communicated between DACO Renovations and the doctors, health centers, hospitals or other institutions or persons, in order to comply with, develop, control and execute the health service, the reimbursement or indemnification guaranteed in the contract of insurance and request or verify from said healthcare providers the causes and medical history of the interested party that motivates the benefits, reimbursements or indemnities, the control for the prevention of fraud in said services and benefits and, where appropriate, recover the expenses, respecting in all cases the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data and without the need for the interested parties to be notified of each first communication that is done. The communication of the data between entities of DACO Renovations is necessary for the maintenance of the integral and centralized management of its relationship with DACO Renovations, the application of premium discounts and other benefits obtained from such circumstance and the management of loyalty programs in case of subscription to them. respecting in all cases the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data and without the need for the interested parties to be notified of each first communication made. The communication of the data between entities of DACO Renovations is necessary for the maintenance of the integral and centralized management of its relationship with DACO Renovations, the application of premium discounts and other benefits obtained from such circumstance and the management of loyalty programs in case of subscription to them. respecting in all cases the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data and without the need for the interested parties to be notified of each first communication made. The communication of the data between entities of DACO Renovations is necessary for the maintenance of the integral and centralized management of its relationship with DACO Renovations, the application of premium discounts and other benefits obtained from such circumstance and the management of loyalty programs in case of subscription to them.

©DACO Renovations 2019


Within the framework of the communications indicated in the previous paragraph, international data transfers may be made to third countries or international organizations, on which there is or not a decision to adapt the European Commission regarding them. International transfers to countries that cannot guarantee an adequate level of protection will be exceptional and will be carried out whenever they are essential for the proper development of the contractual relationship.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data? In the terms and with the scope established in the current regulations, any person has the right to:

  • Confirm if DACO Renovations is treating personal data that concerns or not, to access them and the information related to their treatment
  • Request the correction of inaccurate data
  • Request the deletion of the data when, among other reasons, they are no longer necessary for the purposes that were collected, in which case DACO Renovations will stop processing the data except for the exercise or defense of possible claims.
  • Request the limitation of the processing of your data, in which case they can only be treated with your consent, except for its conservation and use for the exercise or defense of claims or with a view to the protection of the rights of another natural or legal person or for reasons of important public interest of the European Union or of a certain Member State.
  • Oppose the processing of your data, in which case, DACO Renovations will stop processing the data, except for the defense of possible claims.
  • Receive in a structured format, commonly used and mechanically read the personal data that concern you and that you have provided to DACO Renovations, or ask DACO Renovations to transmit them directly to another responsible when technically possible.
  • Remove the consent granted, if applicable, for the purpose included in the section “For what purpose do we treat your personal data?”, Without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. The above rights of access, rectification, deletion, limitation, opposition and portability can be exercised directly by the owner of the data or by legal or voluntary representative, through written communication and

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addressed to CORPORATE OFFICE OF PRIVACY AND DATA PROTECTION, ROAD POZUELO, 52 – 28222 MAJADAHONDA – MADRID. The interested party may submit a claim to the SPANISH DATA PROTECTION AGENCY, especially when it considers that it has not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of its rights, through the web page authorized for such purposes by the corresponding Control Authority. It is understood that the user is informed and accepts the conditions established above if he continues browsing the website and, if applicable, by pressing the button “SEND / CONTINUE / CALCULATE” or check the box accepting the privacy policy found in the data collection forms.

RESPONSIBILITIES DACO Renovations declines any responsibility regarding the information on this website from sources outside DACO Renovations, as well as the contents not elaborated by it. The function of the links that appear on this page is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources of information on the subject on the Internet, where you can expand the information offered on this website. DACO Renovations will not be in any case responsible for the result obtained through such hypertext links.

LEGAL WARNING The owner of the domain is Florin /As DACO Renovations.

CONDITIONS OF USE OF THE WEBSITE The user is obliged to make good use of the website, understood to be good use that is in accordance with current legislation, good faith and public order. In turn, the user agrees not to use the website for fraudulent purposes, as well as not to perform any act in order to damage, disable or overload the website, or to prevent, in any way, the normal use and operation of the same. The user is informed that, in the case of non-compliance with the Terms of Use, the Privacy Policy or any other terms or conditions contained in the website, DACO Renovations reserves the right to limit, suspend or block access to the website. Website, through any technical measure that you consider necessary to achieve it.

©DACO Renovations 2019


Copyright All rights reserved. The design of the portal and its source codes, as well as the logos, trademarks and other distinctive signs that appear in it, belong to DACO Renovations and are protected by the corresponding intellectual and industrial property rights. It is strictly prohibited, without the written authorization of the owners of the copyright, the reproduction, distribution, transformation, manipulation, public communication or any other act of total or partial, free or onerous exploitation of the texts, images or any other content that appears in the website. DACO Renovations reserves the right to make, at any time and without prior notice, any changes, variations, deletions or cancellations in the contents and in the form of presentation of them considered necessary, either temporarily or permanently, the user to use the updated version at all times. This power does not grant users any right to receive compensation for damages.

COOKIES POLICY DACO Renovations uses cookies in order to offer you a better browsing experience that suits your needs, as well as to protect and improve the website. Read carefully this Cookies Policy to learn about the responsible use that DACO Renovations makes of them and about the options you have to configure your browser and manage them.

What are cookies? Cookies are small data files that are generated in the user’s computer and that allow us to know their frequency of visits, the most selected content and the security elements that can intervene in the control of access to restricted areas, as well as the visualization of advertising based on criteria predefined by DACO Renovations and activated by cookies served by this entity or by third parties that provide these services on behalf of DACO Renovations. As a general rule, there are the following types of cookies:

  • Depending on its expiration: o Session: They expire at the end of the session. o Persistence: They do not expire at the end of the session.
  • Depending on its origin: o Origin: Enabled by the website you browse. o Third parties. They come from other websites.
  • Depending on its purpose:

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o Techniques: allow navigation and use of different services. o Personalization: they allow access to the service with predefined

characteristics. o Analysis: allow the monitoring and analysis of user behavior. o Advertising: allow the management of advertising spaces. o Behavioral advertising: they allow the management of advertising

spaces. They store information about user behavior.

What type of cookies do we use and for what purposes? On this website, the following types of cookies are used, with the following purposes:

  1. Analytical Cookies They are used to collect user activity statistics. Among others, the number of users visiting the website, the number of pages visited as well as the activity of users on the website and their frequency of use are analyzed. The information collected is always anonymous in such a way that no link can be established between it and the individual to whom it refers. More information: https://cookiepedia.co.uk/giving-consent-to-cookies
  2. Authentication Cookies They are used to maintain the user’s session during each visit, being dominant in private environments of the website that require a user and password for access. More information: https://cookiepedia.co.uk/giving-consent-to-cookies
  3. Cookies used by social networks They allow the user to share with their contacts in a social network the contents that are of interest by marking the corresponding button (plug- in) inserted in the website. The plug-ins store and access the user’s terminal cookies and allow the social network to identify its users when they interact with the plug-ins. More information:https://cookiepedia.co.uk/giving-consent-to-cookies

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  1. Cookies used by external content add-ons They are necessary for the provision of some type of service and are stored by third parties. Within this category of cookies are, for example, multimedia player cookies, which are used to store technical data in order to play video or audio content, such as image quality, loading parameters, etc. More information: https://cookiepedia.co.uk/giving-consent-to-cookies
  2. Third-party cookies for the personalization of advertising spaces They allow managing the advertising space that users visualize when they access the website and are stored by third parties. More information: https://cookiepedia.co.uk/giving-consent-to-cookies

Who accesses the information of the cookies? The information stored in the cookies is used exclusively by DACO Renovations.

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Can cookies be deactivated? Except in the case of analytical cookies, the use of cookies has an effect on the privacy of users since, as a general rule, it allows to relate their content with the IP address of connection and with other personal data of the user, such as those contributed voluntarily. By accepting this Privacy and Cookies Policy, the user will be consenting to the generation of cookies for the purposes mentioned above. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the user wishes to subsequently delete the cookies that have been stored on his computer and that necessarily require his consent, he may do so using the tools provided by his browser for such purposes. In this sense, depending on your browser, the following links describe the procedure to deactivate cookies:

  • Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies- que-los-sitios-we
  • Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/internet- explorer/delete-manage-cookies
  • Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answ er=95647
  • Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1677?viewlocale=en_US
  • Opera: http://help.opera.com/Windows/8.54/es- ES/cookies.html#privacy-cookie If the user does not accept cookies or rejects them later, the functionalities of the website may be diminished.

Changes and updates in the Cookies Policy DACO Renovations and the group companies may modify this Cookies Policy in accordance with legislative or regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions and recommendations issued by the regulators. It is recommended, therefore, periodically review the Cookies Policy.

©DACO Renovations 2019